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In Your Field

Continue to check this section for Agronomy information sent to you from our enewsletter as well as videos that are taken in the field.  Adding your name and email to our enewsletter is easy, just go to the contact us page and send us a request to be added to the list.  You will receive timely agronomy updates direct to your inbox.

Useful Apps for 2018

January 15, 2018


I thought that I would compile a list of useful apps that I use on a near day-to-day basis in the spring/summer.


First up is the Pioneer Plantability app - In this app, you scan a bag of corn seed, enter your make of planter disc, and it spits out some recommended starting settings for vacuum & RPM. 


Second app is a similar app as the Plantability app, but it is for canola. You can enter your target stand, your 1000 seed weight, row spacing and it calculates a seeding rate recommendation.


More apps that I believe are really good are the apps from AgPhD. There's apps for Fertilizer removal, deficiencies in different crops, harvest loss calculator, planting population calculator, field guides. If you search "AgPhD" in the app store you will find them.


Last app is one I don't know if it works with every iPhone anymore but is a very good app.  Aphid Advisor allows you to put in counts of soybean aphids, shows you pictures and asks for counts of your beneficial insects, then gives you a spray, or a wait decision. 


2017 Canola Results and First Deadline

December 7, 2017

A couple things I wanted to bring to your attention.

The 2017 canola trials are in from the Canola Council/Manitoba Canola Growers. Here is the link - 2017 Canola Performance Trial (CPT) Results. Our 45M35 did very well, placing at the top of the round-up segment (averaged across all zones) and being a very close second to the top of the trial (which was L252).  45H33 also did well, beating out a lot of the other round-up varieties.

The second thing is that this Friday (December 8th) is our deadline for the best pricing & discounts – this applies to both Cash & Defer Pay options

Cash Payment Options:

-          Credit card (no upcharge, get those points to help with Christmas shopping)

-          Cheque or

-          FCC financing (just needs to be set up).

If you have any problems or want assistance with payment please give us a call.

If we haven’t had a chance to discuss your cropping plans for ‘2018 just give us a shout and we can set something up.

2018 Silage Corn Sampling

November 20, 2017

Just a quick reminder that our first drop-off date for silage samples is coming up on Wednesday, November 22nd!  Contact us for the proper protocol to take the samples.

2017 Trial Results 'Catching Our Eye'

October 12, 2017

Hey Gang,


Trial information is still pouring in to our system but here is a brief summary of what we have sourced so far.

In this data:

- No trials are deleted - if we win we win and if we lose we lose

- No less than 5 comparisons of each variety are included in the data

- Wherever possible this is local data, then MB data then Western Canada in order to have enough comparisons

- Given than '2016 & '2017 were such different years, we have included the '2016 & '2017 data for soybeans.


A couple of products catching our eye


45CM36 - New Clubroot & shatter resistant RR canola product that dominated in trials prior to '2017 and is performing well in '2017

45H37 - New Clubroot canola product that proved to be a bit of a dark horse performing extremely well in '2017


If you have Roundup Ready canola acres planned take a look at these two - they seem to be setting the bar for yield in the RR segment


46H75 proved to be a yield leading hybrid on many farms in South Central MB again this season combined with the non-GMO premium ($0.80-1.20) this system pencils out very nicely - Check out the "Canola Systems Comparison" pdf using Bayer's yield data to compare the profitability of this Clearfield system compared to RR of LL. This Clearfield system offers an opportunity to rotate out of RR acres as you incorporate soybeans into your rotation.



P006T46R - Dominant in trials in '2016 this variety continued to perform well in '2017 and will be a top product going forward

P005A27X - New Extend Soybean yielding well in '2017 trials and allowing the flexibility of Extend system for better buckwheat & kochia control

P005T13R - Continues to withstand the IDC pressure on soils that are wet or saline


Have a look at the attached data and don't hesitate to Nathan or I a call to sit down and discuss your plans for '2018 - Great pricing on right now.


Good luck with any remaining fall work - Be safe!!

Yield Hero Contest

September 27, 2017

Just a quick reminder about our yield hero contest that we have going on here, there are two parts:


  1. Pioneer side – if your soybeans go over 45 bu/ac you can get 20 ac of free seed for the next year! (Must be side-by-side with another Pioneer variety or competitor)

  2. Sloane Agriventures side – the highest soybean yield gets free Jets and Goldeye’s tickets!


Give me a text/call to schedule timing so that we can hopefully get to everyone who wishes to enter without any conflicts.

Many questions are popping up about spraying for flea beetles and/or if pesticide is covered by DuPont Pioneer.


The threshold that we are using for spraying canola is 25% or greater defoliation. 25% defoliation means that 25% of the leaves are chewed off by the flea beetles.  Here is a diagram highlighting different % defoliations.


Up to 28 days after seeding for Canola treated with Helix Vibrance and 35 days for Canola treated with Lumiderm, one application of Matador will be covered 100% if you contact us before you spray.  If you are concerned about this being a possibility please let Mark or I know before you spray and we will come out and take a look for you.


Other considerations that might influence your decision are your plant stand, plant size, and the uniformity of the field.  If you have a strong plant stand, or if the plants are getting big enough that they are outgrowing where the beetles would hurt them. You may also want to consider the type of flea beetle that you may have, if you have black flea beetles, they'll be feeding on the leaves and if they are crucifers then they will be feeding mostly on the stems.

2 short video segments to help you evaluate emerging Soybean & Corn Stands in the coming days.


On another note - we have noticed significant stem pinching or shredding on canola from the previous wind we have had this spring as well as some flea beetle feeding on stems - these open wounds now combined with the recent rain events to splash Blackleg spores represent significant risk to early season blackleg infection. The early blackleg infection is the one that will hurt us later in the season if the infection overtakes the genetic resistance in the plant prior to swathing. Consider using a fungicide product in with your herbicide (Tilt, Bumper, Headline, Priaxor)

Crop Emergence Workshop
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Just wanted to let you know we will be hosting a very short (1.5 hrs) Crop Emergence workshop this Thursday, June 2nd focusing on Soybeans & Corn but can address any Canola issues as well. We will focus on stand evaluation, staging, pest/weed strategies, disease, fertility.

Coffee will be on at our place for 9 & we will start at the field at 9:30


Hope to see you there.

Soil Temps are coming along nicely (5-10 degrees @ 2" depending on moisture and trash cover), soil bed moisture is ideal and the forecast looks great. With a fading memory of last spring's frost, we are again facing the decision of when to start seeding canola. Early seeded canola will typically outyield canola seeded later in May as long as targeted pland populations survive primarily because the flowering occurs during cooler temps but... that early canola is often challenged by slower emergence, higher mortality from soil borne pathogens, and the battle with flea beetles and a shift in flea beetle populations from crucifer to striped (seed treatments are far less effective at controlling striped flea beetles). So weigh your risks, make your decision and then in 4 weeks time, somebody gets to say I told you so.


In the meantime, if you are in the tractor, download our Pioneer Seed Rate Calculator from the App store to help you understand seeding rates with different sized seed. Keep in mind that mortality from large seed (>4.5-5 g/1000seeds) is approximately 10-15% less than that of smaller seeds.

Pioneer Canola Seed Rate Calculator on the App Store


We are continuing with deliveries this week and can still source some excellent varieties if you have any last minute changes or additions to seeding plans - Good luck with the rest of seeding and be safe.

EDMONTON — Farmers can no longer rely just on cultivar resistance to combat blackleg, says Ralph Lange of Alberta Innovates Technology Futures.


Incidence of blackleg started to increase rapidly in Alberta in 2011 when 80 to 90 percent of the canola in a field near Irma showed symptoms of the disease.


“We don’t see hundreds of fields like this, but every year, I’d say there’s dozens, so blackleg is coming back,” Lange said during his April 6 presentation at Murray Hartman’s Science O-Rama in Edmonton.


Lange is working to develop resistant groups of canola cultivars to help producers better manage the blackleg resistant genes that are currently available.


Read the remainder of the article on The Western Producer website.

Spring is right around the corner and starting to hear some chatter & banter about soil temps. We have watched soil temperature very closely the last 3 years and it surprises me how closely the soil temperature will follow the air temperature even at a depth of 2-3" (especially if the soil is dry).


Below is a link to a recent Crop Chatter that provides the minimum temperature at which various crops will germinate and the recommended method for measuring soil temp (Temp in the AM, temp in the PM and average the two).


What are minimum germination temperatures? | Crop Chatter


Good luck in safely getting the last of the equipment ready.

Mark Sloane Cell: 204-825-8443
Dawna Sloane Cell: 204-825-4161
Kyle Sloane Cell: 204-245-1227

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Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents.  ®, SM, TM Trademarks and service marks of Corteva, Pioneer or their respective owners. © 2024 PHL.


Portrait photo credit to Picard Photo

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